#58 - never again

2008-07-12, 16:25:56 / Kategori:

If she really knows the truth she deservs you, ignorance is bless. But when your day comes and he's thru with you, and he'll be thru with you, you'll die together but alone.

does it hurt to know i'll never be there? bet it sucks to see my face everywhere. it was you who chose to end it like you did.I was the last to know, you knew exacly what you would do. And dont say you simply lost your way, she may believe you but I never will, never again.

I would never wish bad things but i dont wish you well, could you tell by the flames that burned your words?

never again will i hear your
never again will i miss you
never again will i fall for you
never again will i kiss you
never again will i want to
never again will i love you




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